The Territory

Sardinia introduces herself



"I’m one of the 20 italian regions, and in 1948 I’ve managed to obtain a special statute that gives me some autonomy. I’m in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and I’m the second biggest island after Sicily"

Your geographic appearance is quite particular … it seems a sandal track?
"Yes, it’s true… actually, ancient people took from this fact the idea to give me my name … etymologically, I’m the footprint of a human foot!"

Read our short interview with the protagonist



The Sinis


The area of Oristano is appreciated for its wild nature and its several wetlands, some of which have been declared Sites of Community Importance and Special Protection Areas.

Starting from the southern part of the Province we find the ponds of San Giovanni, Marceddì, S’Ena Arrubia and Corru s’Ittiri; those of Santa Giusta and Pauli Maiori and then those of Cabras, Mistras, Mar’e Pontis and Sale ‘e Porcus. ... Read more


The Montiferru


The Montiferru, situated in the northern part of the province of Oristano, is an ancient complex of volcanic origin composed of basalts and trachytes that extends on the municipalities of Santu Lussurgiu, Bonarcado, Cuglieri, Seneghe and Scano di Montiferro.

The basaltic flows poured out from the Montiferru formed on the east the plateau of Abbasanta and on the west high sea cliffs. ... Read more



The Marmilla

marmillaThe Marmilla is the geographical region of Sardinia situated between the Giara of Gesturi and the Campidano, belonging to the provinces of Oristano (High Marmilla) and Medio-Campidano (Low Marmilla).
The word Marmilla comes from the latin "Mamilla", that’s to say "breast", for the round hills that characterize this mainly plain territory.
This region has several natural beauties ... Read more



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